Friday, December 18, 2009

Why I love the template gallery...

I was running out of time...I needed to make a book and fast....that's where the template library saved me!  Below is the cover for my Indi book that I made for Gabrielle, below that is the original cover of the template.

You're so vain...I bet you think this song is about you

In my defense, I created this 16x 20 stretched canvas as an art experiment.  It ended up being super cool.  I took this pic with my iPhone and then used an iPhone app to make it look grungy.  Usually its important to have good photo resolution but with this I was hoping for a griddy look...and it really worked out well.   

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here are my Birthday party invites. My fabulous twinnie and I made these invites together. I love the bright colors and of course...I'm a sucker for polka dots!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The hardest book for me to make

The original title of this book was "I'm Your," But life plays out so unexpectedly sometimes and so I had to change it to "When I was yours." This book is a testament to the amazing healing power of storybooking. It was hard to write. There were many tears but many smiles too. I didnt make this book to glorify the past or hold on to future that is no longer mine, but rather to
honor the amazing lessons I have learned about love and the unpredictable nature of life. The best part about this book is it really did help me. I am in a much better place now and It feels great to be able to say that I am thankful for when I got what I wanted and I am also thankful for the opportunities that arise because I didn't get what I had wanted so bad.

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Christmas Card for 2008

Try not to judge me but I just love polka dots. They actually make me happy! I love in Heritage Makers studio that if they don't have what you want, you can make it. I actually put each and every one of these dots in their place.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My 16x20 Stretched Canvas

I made this to hang in my bedroom to help me with having sweet dreams. Life isn't always what we expect it to be but even when heartbroken, its important to remember the love, passion, and laughter that "sweet dreams" are mad of. I used the pictures that my "sweet dreams" are made of as the border; such as places I have been, place I want to go, the people that matter to me most, the things that I am passionate about. What better to put on my wall?!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Giving Thanks

I'm thrilled to be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. I haven't been home for Thanksgiving in SIX years. It is going to be so much fun! When I started thinking about what to do for table decorations, my mind went immediately to Thank You-place cards. While life doesn't always work out the way I expect it to, I have so many wonderful people in my life that deserve a thank you! Here is the card for my wonderful Gram-gram.